The Michel Page

Pet Photos

Just click on the photo to see a larger copy of it. All these images were cropped for size purposes, the originals have more of a "border", and usually look better.


On September 26, 2018, our beloved Lucie, at age 13 years and 5 months, was put to sleep. It was not something we wanted to do, but was something we had to do. At one point she weighed over 16 pounds (but that's not why she passed). Lucie had progressively deteriorating health issues over the prior year. In addition to arthritis, and hyper-thyroid disease, we think she also started to get dimentia (she showed the signs of DISHA). She only weighed 7 pounds by September. She wasn't eating her usual dry food and eventually almost stopped eating any wet food (even tuna flavored - she really like tuna). She was constantly waking us at 5:00 AM for some reason - even with food and water (and that was way to early for our normal wake up time too).

She was usually annoying, but she was loved.
She will be missed - though I don't think our furniture would agree...

Lucie taking a nap.

Lucie (Pam's cat that we "adopted") is "visiting" for a little while

"Aren't I just too cute?"



Taking another nap

More napping

Pam napping while Lucie plays king-of-the-hill


On December 7, 2005, our beloved Bootsy, at age 16 years and 8 months, was put to sleep. It was not something we wanted to do, but was something we had to do. These pictures are a year or more old when she weighed over 13 pounds.
Bootsy had health issues sporaticly over the prior year, and more frequently over the prior three months. She only weighed 9 pounds in November (and 7.8 on Dec 7th). On Sunday (Dec. 3rd), she got sick six times. She was given medicine but it was to no avail. She would not eat or drink - for almost four days.
She was annoying sometimes, but she was loved. We will all miss her terribly.

You love me, don't you...
ALL of me...

Nice and warm, fresh from the dryer.
(she did this as we packed for Paris)

Put down the camera...
and rub my belly...

Anyone have any marshmallows?

Yes, I was trying to lay in the sun...
why do you ask??

Hey! I was sleeping here first!


The late Lucky Michel

"Do you think I need a hair cut?"
(the late Spooky Felpo)